Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, January 21, 2019
Center for Schools and Communities staff will join hundreds of thousands of volunteers across America in making the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday a day of service. But the Center has re-envisioned its longstanding MLK initiative and its 2019 MLK project will be 9-month partnership with a local community organization to foster long-lasting and sustained capacity building.
The Center is pleased to announce the CSC PEACE Project: Partners in Education, Advocacy and Commitment to Equity. The inaugural year partner organization is Family Promise of Harrisburg. CSC staff knowledge and expertise will help strengthen and build capacity at the partner organization, while developing our own knowledge and skills through reciprocal learning and teaching opportunities.
“Martin Luther King devoted his life to advancing equality, social justice and opportunity for all and taught us that everyone has a role to play in making America what it ought to be,” said Shileste Overton Morris, Center for Schools and Communities director. “By serving today and throughout the year, we honor Dr. King and help realize his dream of equality and opportunity for all.”