CSC Year in Review
At Center for Schools and Communities (CSC), we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children — from birth to career — and their families. Since 1988, we have worked to strengthen systems and improve outcomes for schools and communities through a range of initiatives and experiences in professional learning, support services, resource development and evaluation.
CSC At-a-Glance 2023-2024
*Professionals served are duplicated and include 1) the number of participants who are directly served by a program or service or attended a conference or event; and 2) the number of individuals who have been impacted by a CSC service. For example, if guidance counselors are trained about school safety, then the entire school’s enrollment is included in the participant total as they benefit from the counselors’ increased knowledge as a result of the training.
Professional Learning 2023-2024 Highlights
CSC develops and offers a wide range of research-based online and in-person professional learning opportunities, including workshops, multi-session courses, conferences and certifications.
Building capacity of OST leaders: In 2023-2024, approximately 155 out-of-school time (OST) programs received Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program grants to provide academic, artistic and cultural enrichment opportunities for students and their families. In February 2024, CSC provided the 17-member 21st CCLC Advisory board with professional development for administrators to gain vital tools for navigating challenges, discover strategies to honor boundaries, reassess expectations, foster mental health, and create a healthier work-life dynamic. #PassionForExcellence
Providing resources to educators serving students experiencing foster care: In recognition of National Foster Care Month in May, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, CSC developed “Supporting Pennsylvania Students in Foster Care Placement Educators’ Guide.” as part of statewide work to ensure educational stability and education outcomes for students in foster care placement. Educators can play a key role in promoting an inclusive and nurturing environment. These tips, strategies and resources help educators effectively support students with foster care experience, ensuring they receive the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally. #PassionForExcellence
Navigating pathways to a brighter future for migrant students and their families: More than 350 Migrant Education Program staff, English Learner (EL) teachers, social workers, and staff from community-based organizations attended the 2024 Migrant Education Program Conference. Attendees explored using social media for recruitment, engaging migrant communities in STEM, holding restorative circles, serving out-of-school youth, and ensuring equity for migrant students. In a tour of a nearby mushroom facility, attendees experienced “A Day in the Life of a Migrant Worker.” Closing keynote speaker Samantha Ramirez shared her first-generation American story in her address “Borderless Dreams.” #EquityInAction
Expanding services to schools and organizations serving refugees: Pennsylvania’s Refugee Education Program, administered by Pennsylvania Department of Education, assists refugee students and families to assimilate to the school and community in a culturally and linguistically competent manner. In 2023-2024 CSC expanded its services to schools and organizations serving refugee students and their families. Nearly 300 professionals participated in fall 2023 and spring 2024 webinar series on topics such as culturally responsive family engagement for Afghan refugee families and understanding trauma and fostering resilience when working with Afghan refugee students and their families. #EquityInAction
Participants Served by CSC by Type of Service, 2023-2024*

*Note: Participant counts are duplicated and include 1) the number of participants who are directly served by a program or service or attended a conference or event; and 2) the number of individuals who have been impacted by a CSC service. For example, if guidance counselors are trained about school safety, then the entire school’s enrollment is included in the participant total as they benefit from the counselors’ increased knowledge as a result of the training.
Support Services 2023-2024 Highlights
CSC provides in-depth support for the successful implementation and operation of school- and community-based programs. This support includes subject matter technical assistance, tools and resources.
Supporting expectant and parenting students for academic and life success: CSC supported professionals working with expectant and parenting students in Pennsylvania school districts by assisting with 522 technical issues and training, 25 professional development opportunities, access to learning communities, and data management and support. Across all ELECT programs, 2,281 expectant or parenting students were supported in 2023-2024. Of those, 80% earned a GPA of 2.0 or above or showed academic improvement if their GPA was under 2.0, and 81% ended the year with 25% or less absences or showed an attendance improvement. This academic improvement and support led to 126% of participants eligible for graduation achieving graduation or high school equivalence (HSE) by the end of their senior year. #EquityInAction
Facilitating international implementation of I Can Problem Solve curriculum: I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) is a universal, evidence-based, social and emotional learning (SEL) program designed to build interpersonal thinking and problem-solving skills for children, ages 4-11. Partnering with the Dorset Council in Dorset, U.K., CSC provided lesson observations to six primary schools in the southwest region and facilitated discussions to adapt ICPS intermediate and primary curriculum to better meet the needs of schools and their students. #PassionForExcellence
Helping Parents as Teachers programs reach Blue Ribbon status: Parents as Teachers (PAT) programs provide parents with knowledge and resources to prepare their children for a strong start in life. The Pennsylvania Parents as Teachers State Office provided support to 56 affiliate programs and welcomed a 57th affiliate in June 2024. Forty Pennsylvania based affiliate programs have attained Blue Ribbon status, a designation of fidelity to the model that is achieved by meeting rigorous standards throughout a five-year period. #PassionForExcellence
Expanding access to Strengthening Families Protective Factors: Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors framework is an approach to working with families that builds upon family strengths rather than focusing on deficits. In 2023-2024, CSC introduced and trained more than 200 professionals and families on the protective factors through three Parent Cafe Training Institutes, courses, and Pennsylvania Strengthening Families Conference: Partnering to Build Resilient Families and Communities. #ServiceToOthers
Helping prospective parents find their foster or adoptive child: In 2023-2024, there were more than 15,000 inquiries from individuals interested in fostering or adopting children in Pennsylvania. The Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) Helpline, managed by CSC, provides comprehensive information and technical assistance on the state adoption and foster care processes, assists with matching prospective adoptive families and children, connects families with post-adoption services, and makes referrals to local adoption agencies, in partnership with Diakon, Voce Together and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. #ServiceToOthers
Profile of Attendees at CSC-hosted Conferences
CSC served more than 1,500 professionals in its conferences in 2023-2024. Professionals span government, education, nonprofit and for-profit sectors, and various levels of experience.

Conference Registrants by Primary Employer Type

Conference Registrants by Years of Experience
Custom Products and Services 2023-2024 Highlights
CSC delivers a wide range of customized products and services to schools, community-based organizations, state government departments, and institutions of higher education. These products and services are designed to meet client needs and strengthen systems that support positive outcomes for children, youth, families and communities.
Creating a culture of preparedness among schools: When a school crisis hits, schools need immediate access to school safety supports from a high-quality, trusted resource. As the school year progresses, they also need flexibility to address changing needs. To help schools address these challenges, Center for Safe Schools launched a subscription service providing priority access to professional development, review of preparedness materials, crisis support, implementation support, grant writing support, and product review support. #InnovationForGrowth
Designing data collection and analysis solutions: CSC provided robust data collection and analysis solutions to monitor and evaluate thousands of children and educators throughout Pennsylvania. In its work with Shippensburg University, CSC designed an extensive web-accessible database to monitor early childhood educators’ professional development and factors related to their progress on Pennsylvania’s Career Pathway. Additionally, CSC designed and operates a statewide case management system for children receiving targeted mental health services via the Pennsylvania Key. The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) program uses CSC’s expertise in evaluation and statistical reporting to examine important changes in the program’s input and outcome measures. #InnovationForGrowth
Making free mental health services accessible to students experiencing homelessness: Children and youth experiencing homelessness often do not receive the mental health services they need, either due to a lack of or difficulty in accessing services, fear of stigmatization, or even embarrassment. The PA ECYEH (Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness) program launched The Bridge Project in Pennsylvania, which facilitates no cost online mental health services for children and youth experiencing homelessness. Services can be accessed during the school day in partnership with the child’s school. The project is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. #ServiceToOthers
Building awareness of critical issues affecting students, families, schools and communities: To effect change, you first need to build awareness. In 2023-2024, CSC reached more than 4,000 professionals through public awareness campaigns including Foster Care Awareness Month, Bullying Prevention Month, World Refugee Day, and Afterschool Advocacy Day. Campaigns included digital toolkits, informational materials and video content to raise awareness and engage others to support children and families. #ServiceToOthers
Intermediary Services 2023-2024 Highlights
CSC serves as an intermediary organization, convening, facilitating and coordinating subject-driven meetings, educational advocacy events and professional learning conferences, and symposiums and forums. These opportunities strive to raise awareness, increase knowledge, build skills and facilitate change.
Strengthening networks to mobilize, support and advocate for quality out-of-school time (OST) programming: PSAYDN strengthens networks to mobilize, support and advocate for high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programs. Through partnerships with educators, youth organizations and policymakers, PSAYDN has expanded learning opportunities and built meaningful connections. Its STEM outreach and policy work impacted over 3,200 individuals, reinforcing a commitment to educational equity. Through member outreach to elected officials and 2024 Advocacy Day, PSAYDN contributed to a key victory – the passage of the $11.5 million BOOST program. PSAYDN will guide grantees in delivering high-quality programming and securing sustainable funding for the future. #EquityInAction
Reinvigorating statewide network to promote wellness and career readiness in students: Center for the Promotion of Social and Emotional Learning (CPSEL) paired with SEL4PA to re-envision SEL4PA’s vision and activities. After conversations with professionals across Pennsylvania, SEL4PA launched its new vision at the 2024 National Social and Emotional Learning Conference – “Every child, in every Pennsylvania community has access to proactive, aligned, sustainable, and effective social, emotional, and mental well-being resources to ensure career readiness and healthy contribution to their families and communities.” #InnovationForGrowth
Leveraging resources and networks to prevent child abuse before it begins: CSC supports Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) grantees as they work in their local communities to prevent child abuse before it occurs the first time. CSC provides professional learning, monitoring and technical assistance to CTF grantees. CSC also provides resources to integrate the Strengthening FamiliesTM Protective Factors into organizations and communities. In 2023-2024, CSC increased the number of opportunities for CTF grantees and board members to network, share experiences and build partnerships. Grantees and board members shared that they found these opportunities powerful and meaningful. CTF is administered by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning. #ServiceToOthers
2023-2024 CSC Partners and Funders
- Afterschool Alliance
- Be Strong Families
- Berks County Intermediate Unit
- Capital Area Intermediate Unit
- Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Children’s Trust Fund Alliance
- Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
- Diakon Family Life Services
- Dorset Council
- Fundacion San Carlos de Maipo
- The Grable Foundation
- McElhattan Foundation
- Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC)
- Millersville University
- Myrna B. Shure
- National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO)
- National Youth Leadership Council
- Parents as Teachers National Office
- Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange
- Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect
- Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD)
- Pennsylvania Department of Education
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
- Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)
- Pennsylvania Office of Children Youth and Families
- Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
- Pennsylvania State Resource Association
- Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem
- Pritzker Traubert Foundation
- Shippensburg University
- STEM Next Opportunity Fund
- Tuscarora Intermediate Unit
- U.S. Department of Education